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Braces Give You A Great Smile, But Straight Teeth Serve Other Purposes Too

Braces can give you a beautiful smile that you’ll love to share. Straight teeth and a proper bite also serve many other jobs that you may not be aware of. It gives you the opportunity to keep your teeth cleaner because the teeth are not crowded or touching. This helps to eliminate bacteria or food becoming lodged in your mouth creating decay in your teeth.

Another added benefit of properly aligned teeth is your bite when you chew. When your bite is off, it can cause ear pain, face pain and headaches. It could also cause you neck and jaw pain. When you visit an experienced Orthodontist Melbourne FL, you can have your teeth evaluated for proper oral alignment and care.

It’s never too early to visit an orthodontist. It is recommended that children as young as 7 should have their teeth checked by an orthodontist. Future problems with alignment of the teeth can be addressed. This could mean the placing spacers or guides to help the teeth align as they grow. When you get your child care earlier, sometimes braces can be avoided.


If you do need braces, you will need a panoramic view of your teeth. This lets the orthodontist know how much room is in your mouth to align your teeth. It also lets them see that the roots of your teeth are in the proper position. You may need spacers placed in your mouth. These are little rubber separates that will help to separate your teeth in preparation for your braces.

Braces normally take one to two hours. You will also get instructions on how to properly brush and floss with braces on. Keeping your teeth especially clean when you have braces on will help eliminate cavities when you’re completed. Contrary to what you may have been told, braces don’t hurt. You may feel a little bit of pressure in your mouth when they’re first put on, but this will subside.

If your smile isn’t straight like you’d like it be, visit an orthodontist for a consultation. You will have a great looking smile and feel more confident when your braces are complete. It will also improve your oral health in the future.